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Does Your Cat Have Tummy Troubles?

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An upset stomach is more common in cats than you might think. But how can you tell if it's a serious problem?


Every cat owner recognizes the warning signs of an upset feline stomach: the mournful meow, gagging, and heaving retch. But in a flash, the cat seems to snap back to good health while you're left scrubbing the carpet.


The scenario is a familiar one for Cynthia Bowen of Cleveland, Ohio. As the owner of four Maine Coons, Bowen has cleaned her share of messes. 'It would happen every couple of months or so,' she says. 'Otherwise, they were perfectly healthy.'


Although it's not a pleasant subject, vomiting is something cats seem to do almost on cue. Many cat owners accept this as a natural part of owning a pet, but it doesn't have to be that way. Knowing what triggers an upset stomach and what you can do about it will make for a better relationship with your cat.


Cause for Alarm?

Repeated cat vomiting should never be ignored because it can lead to dehydration. But, because vomiting is common in cats, how do you know what's normal? 'A general guideline is that if the cat is vomiting one to three times a month, we consider this 'normal,'' says Dr. William Folger, a DVM from Houston.


He considers it serious if the vomiting occurs twice daily for two or three days. If your cat stops eating, seems to have stomach pain, or retches continuously, or if there's blood in the vomit, take her to a veterinarian. And, as always, if you're suspicious that a lingering problem could be harmful to your pet, call your veterinarian. A visit to the office can help relieve your cat's discomfort and your worries as well.


Why Cats Vomit

Many owners attribute their cat's vomiting to hairballs, but that's not the only culprit. 'It's careless to assume that most cases of vomiting in cats are due to hairballs,' says Dr. Folger. Two other frequent causes of an upset stomach are:


Eating too fast. Cats sometimes eat too much, too fast. When the stomach wall expands too quickly, a signal is sent to the brain to cause regurgitation. In these cases, the mess on your floor is from regurgitation, not actual vomiting. When a cat regurgitates, he brings up fluid and food from his esophagus by opening his mouth–unlike vomiting, where there's gagging and retching. Regurgitated food is still formed, and may smell fermented. 'Cats that eat too quickly because they are gluttonous or stressed by food bowl competition can regurgitate right after eating,' says Dr. Sara Stephens, a DVM from Montana. But don't assume regurgitation is always a case of eating too fast. It could be caused by esophageal problems, obstruction of the digestive tract, hairballs, or dehydration. If you've forced your cat to eat slowly and he still has problems, contact a veterinarian.


Curiosity. Grass, carpet, and toilet paper are just a few things cats may digest and later vomit. The vomiting is a protective mechanism–nature's way of cleansing your cat’s system. Sometimes, though, curiosity can lead to more serious problems. String, toy parts, and feathers are favorites of playful felines and can lodge in the stomach or intestine, causing repeated vomiting and severe distress. If your cat exhibits these symptoms, take her to a veterinarian immediately; surgery is often necessary to remove the object.


Preventative Measures

Often, owners accept their pet's vomiting as a natural part of their behavior, but just because cats seem to have more than their fair share of tummy troubles doesn't mean you have to sit idly by.


One simple preventative measure is to get your fast-eating cat to slow down or to simply eat less. Stephens recommends smaller portions, elevating your cat's food dish slightly, or putting an object, such as a ball, into the dish. The cat will be forced to eat around the ball, and thus her intake will be slowed. If you do this, make sure the ball isn't small enough to swallow. And you may need to feed cats in a multiple-cat household at different times and places to reduce competitive eating.


If simple solutions don't work, watch your cat's eating behavior and reactions. Bowen, for example, tried changing her cats' diets. 'Since switching to IAMS®, they rarely throw up,' Bowen says.


'Usually, when you change to a higher-quality diet, there is no problem,' Stephens says. Here are some tips for helping make sure your cat's change is as successful and comfortable as possible:


Go slowly. Make the transition gradually to allow your cat time to adjust. 'Make sure the cat eats something every day,' Stephens advises. 'A cat that quits eating suddenly can develop liver problems.'


Measure up. How much should you feed? Your cat's age, sex, breed, activity level, and overall health need to be taken into consideration. Talk with your veterinarian, then read the manufacturer's recommendations. Premium foods like IAMS cat foods are more nutrient-dense than many non-premium diets, so don't be surprised if the recommended amounts seem low.


Pay attention. Beyond careful measuring, also regularly weigh your cat and adjust the feeding amount accordingly after switching to a premium food. Your cat may appear happy if you overfeed him. But over time, he may become overweight. Tummy troubles can be in the past with your veterinarian’s help and a little effort on your part.


  • Why Your Cat Needs Fiber in Their Diet
    Why Your Cat Needs Fiber in Their Diet
    Why Your Cat Needs Fiber in Their Diet

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    Fiber isn’t just for humans — it’s an important part of balanced nutrition for cats, too!


    But how much fiber do cats need, what kinds should they be eating and how can you make sure they’re getting the right amount for their bodies?


    What's Good for You May Not Be Good for Your Cat

    Cats and humans both need fiber in their diets, but that doesn’t mean cats should be eating the same amount as humans. People are growing more aware of the importance of fiber in our own diets today — and while it’s good to think about your cat’s fiber intake too, it’s important to remember that cats have different dietary needs than humans.


    Cats have a much shorter digestive tract than humans, and unlike humans, cats are carnivorous, so their nutritional needs are better satisfied with mostly animal-based ingredients rather than plant matter.


    What Is Nondigestible Fiber, and Why Do Cats Need It? 

    Nondigestible fiber supports cat health by providing bulk that helps move food through the digestive system. This fiber is largely made up of carbohydrates that cats can’t break down in the same way they digest protein or fat. This undigested matter helps usher food through your cat’s system at a healthy pace that lets them absorb the nutrients in their food and eliminate waste comfortably. Higher levels of nondigestible fiber can even help address specific conditions like frequent hairballs.


    How Does Fiber Ferment? 

    Fiber can’t be broken down and digested like proteins and fats, but some kinds can be fermented (broken down by bacteria) in your cat’s digestive system. This breakdown produces short-chain fatty acids, which provide energy to your cat’s intestines as it is fermented.


    Fiber sources used in pet foods include cellulose, which is poorly fermentable; beet pulp, which is moderately fermentable; and gums and pectin, which can be highly fermentable. Appropriate levels of moderately fermentable fiber, such as beet pulp, provide the benefits of energy for the intestinal lining and bulk without the negative effects of excessive stool or gas. That makes them ideal for the health and comfort of most cats!


    High Fiber and Weight Loss 

    While a high-fiber diet can be part of a weight-loss solution for humans, our research has found that it’s not as helpful as a weight-reduction option for cats.


    High levels of poorly fermentable fiber in cat food dilute the calories and nutrients in a serving and may make your cat feel fuller. Unfortunately, high fiber content can also increase the rate at which food passes through your cat’s digestive tract, making it harder for them to digest other nutrients in their food. They may be going to the litter box more often, but that doesn’t mean their digestive system is working more efficiently.


    Fiber and Our Cat Foods 

    When choosing a pet food, remember that cats and humans need different things from their food. All IAMS™ cat food products are made with the right amount of moderately fermentable fiber needed to promote intestinal health. Use the IAMS™ Cat Food Selector to find a recipe tailored to your cat’s unique needs.